"I couldn't dress myself on my own. I am a wheelchair user and the usual "procedure" of putting on clothes for me is very exhausting. And I'm not the only one. There are a lot of us," - Sveta Kozinova, the author of the idea of creating an inclusive clothing collection "LIVE!", designer, fashion illustrator, co-founder of the clothing brand Alex's Family
Royal Dress forms. - Tell us a little about yourself, about your clothing collection and why inclusion?
Sveta Kozinova. - Having faced daily difficulties in "self-dressing" and "self-undressing" from personal experience, I decided to clarify with friends with a similar type of disability how they solve this issue. It turned out that in the vast majority of cases, a person with a disability needs somebody’s help every time. And it's not always convenient.
Royal Dress forms. – Therefore you decided to create a collection of special clothes?
Sveta Kozinova. – The process was not so simple and not so fast. But my idea that comfortable, beautiful and functional clothes are important for people with disabilities was supported first by friends and acquaintances, and after a while by government structures. In the summer of 2017, the project already had a team, an implementation plan, and even a grant for the creation of a collection, which we won at the Tavrida forum. And then it was important to act!
Royal Dress forms. - Immodest question: why did you pay attention to our dress form when creating this collection?
Sveta Kozinova. - To be honest, I have been actively using dress forms in my work since the end of 2011. I worked that time with adjustable dress forms and they seemed to me convenient and compact. But this was until September 2016, before the TextileLegProm exhibition and a visit to the display stand of tailor's mannequins from Royal Dress forms. I saw your soft dress form "Monica", which is intended for moulage method, and fell in love. Therefore, when it was time to tailoring the collection "LIVE!" I already knew exactly who I would turn to for dress forms.
Royal Dress forms. - Yes, but the collection also includes male clothes, our mannequin "Monica" is really very comfortable, but even he is not almighty.
Sveta Kozinova.- It so happened that everything in my life always happens on time. With the collection "LIVE!" the same story. At the moment when we were acutely faced with the issue of creating male images, by a favorable coincidence it turned out that Royal Dress forms was just preparing to launch a male tailor's mannequin "Richard". We became one of the first testers of this dress form. And largely thanks to it, the collection was a success.
Royal Dress forms. - So in the end everything worked out and you can be congratulated?
Sveta Kozinova.- Yes! The collection was first shown in October 2018 in Moscow at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week and was very warmly received by both the audience and the models. Further, the collection traveled a lot on various catwalks in Russia, receiving compliments and awards.
Royal Dress forms. - If it's not a secret, what are your professional plans now?
Sveta Kozinova. - At the moment, my team and I are working on a winter collection of clothes that would be comfortable for people with various types of disabilities. The task is not the easiest, but we are resolute, plus the tailor's mannequins "Monica", "Victoria" and "Richard" are with us. We will definitely succeed!
Royal Dress forms. - It is said that this summer you have completed your "family" of mannequins from Royal Dress forms with a lingerie dress form "Penelope". Should we expect new developments and collections in the field of underwear from you?
Sveta Kozinova.- This is still a secret information, but ... YES! We are actively preparing for the launch of this direction with the team!